1. cut off your nose to spite your face: (informal) to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms you [cố tìm cách trả thù ai nhưng hóa ra tự hại mình]
2. follow your nose
+ to be guided by your sense of smell [tìm đường bằng khứu giác]
+ to go straight forward [tiến lên phía trước; đi thẳng]
Ví dụ: The garage is a mile ahead up the hill—just follow your nose.
+ to act according to what seems right or reasonable, rather than following any particular rules [hành đồng theo cái mình cho là đúng, chứ không theo bất cứ luật lệ nào]
3. have your nose in something: (informal) to be reading something and giving it all your attention [chăm chú đọc cái gì/ chúi mũi vào]
Ví dụ: Peter always has his nose in a book.
4. it's no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose/back: (informal) used to say that someone is not upset or annoyed about something because it does not affect them in a bad way [không dính dáng/ không đụng chạm/ không ảnh hưởng gì đến ai]
5. keep your nose clean: (informal) to avoid doing anything wrong or illegalSince leaving prison, he's managed to keep his nose clean. [không phạm lỗi; giữ mình trong sạch]
6. keep your nose out of something: to try not to become involved in things that do not concern you [không để dính vào những thứ không liên quan đến mình]
7. keep your nose to the grindstone: (informal) to work hard for a long period of time without stopping [làm việc cật lực (trong thời gian dài) không hề nghỉ ngơi]
8. lead someone by the nose: to make someone do everything you want; to control someone completely [dắt mũi ai]
9. look down your nose at someone/something: (informal) to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than someone or that something is not good enough for you [coi thường; khinh thường]
synonym look down on
10. on the nose: (informal) exactly [đích thị; chính xác]
Ví dụ: The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.
11. pay through the nose (for something): (informal) to pay much too much money for something [trả một giá quá đắt]
12. (as) plain as the nose on your face: very obvious [rõ như ban ngày]
13. poke/stick your nose into something: (informal) to try to become involved in something that does not concern you [can thiệp/ xía vào chuyện của người khác]
Ví dụ: He's always poking his nose into other people's business.
14. put someone's nose out of joint: (informal) to upset or annoy someone, especially by not giving them enough attention [làm cho ai ngượng nghịu hoặc bực bội]
15. rub someone's nose in it: (informal) to keep reminding someone in an unkind way of their past mistakes [nhắc lại một cách độc ác những lỗi lầm cũ của người đó]
16. thumb your nose at someone/something: to make a rude sign with your thumb on your nose; to show that you have no respect for someone or something [để ngón tay cái lên mũi để chế nhạo ai, lêu lêu ai, miệt thị ai/ cái gì]
Ví dụ: The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.
17. turn your nose up at something: (informal) to refuse something, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you [vênh mặt; khinh khỉnh]
18. under someone's nose: (informal)
+ if something is under someone's nose, it is very close to them but they cannot see it [ở ngay trước mắt; ngay trước mũi]
Ví dụ: I searched everywhere for the letter and it was under my nose all the time!
+ if something happens under someone's nose, they do not notice it even though it is not being done secretly [xảy ra ngay trước mặt mà không để ý]
Ví dụ: The police didn't know the drug ring was operating right under their noses.
19. with your nose in the air: (informal) in a way that is unfriendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people [vênh mặt lên]
Idiom Forcus:
TURN YOUR NOSE UP AT SOMETHING: (informal) to refuse something, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you [vênh mặt; khinh khỉnh]
LEAD SOMEONE BY THE NOSE: to make someone do everything you want; to control someone completely [dắt mũi ai]
KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF SOMETHING: to try not to become involved in things that do not concern you [không để dính vào những thứ không liên quan đến mình]
KEEP YOUR NOSE TO THE GRINSTONE: (informal) to work hard for a long period of time without stopping [làm việc cật lực (trong thời gian dài) không hề nghỉ ngơi]
CUT OFF YOUR NOSE TO SPITE YOUR FACE: (informal) to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms you [cố tìm cách trả thù ai nhưng hóa ra tự hại mình; giận quá mất khôn]
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No pains, no gains
Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ
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